Sunday, December 20, 2015

Preparing For Christmas

This blog post is inspired by my Grandma Weiner and the wonderful email she sent me yesterday. The email was just a friendly hello and her telling me she and my grandpa were thinking of me, as they always do, but she also asked about Christmas in Scotland and if there are different customs to prepare for Christmas. This got me thinking about all I have been doing this month and how it has been such a crazy three weeks. And how I can't believe Christmas is on Friday! I have been doing a lot to prepare for Christmas both at my placement and in our flat and at mass. So in this blog post I will be sharing how I have been preparing.

In traditional American customs our flat tried not to mention Christmas music or the holiday until December first, after Thanksgiving, but in Scotland Thanksgiving doesn't exist so Christmas festivals, lights, and all the stores had all their decorations up by November 20th, which we all thought was much too early. So on December 1st we decided it was time to put up a tree, play music, and of course take Christmas pictures in ugly Christmas sweaters!(which are actually really cute)

 Lights in the city and some silly Christmas Pics!

More lights in George Square and they also put up a huge ice rink in this square.

Although the decorations are all around town by November 20th Scottish people are very particular of when their tree is taken up or down. They have a tradition of keeping the tree up 12 days before and 12 days after Christmas. The Christmas carols are all very similar but they have a few of their own, for example, Fairytale of New York and Merry Christmas Everybody, and Mary's Boy Child, which I learned. But what I thought was more interesting was that some of the traditional church carols are sung with different tunes, such as Away in a Manger. Another interesting tradition which I thought was really nice is that everyone gives out Christmas cards to everyone, not necessarily the ones with pictures but just a nice card signed from the person.

Also this advent season the Gorbals Parish Church has been involved in Interfaith Scotland which means that the Church has been getting together with a Mosque and a Gurdwara nearby and have been doing different events. At one of the events I helped out with I got to show other people of other faiths how to make a Christingle. I had never heard of that before so when I signed up to volunteer I was sure to ask how do I make one of those and what does it mean. It is an old German Christian symbol and decoration for your house. It is made of an orange, a candle, some sweeties, a red ribbon, and cocktail sticks. Each piece symbolizes something different. The candle represents the world, the candle represents Christ's light and Christingle means Christ's light. The red ribbon goes around the orange and symbolizes Jesus' blood and how he died for us. The sweeties go on the cocktail sticks and are representative of the gifts God gives us and the cocktail sticks are then poked into the orange at 4 corners to represent either the four seasons or the four corners of the world. It was an interesting symbol to share and a lot of fun to make!

Also this year working in a church I have been encouraged to think about the season of Advent more than I ever have in my life. Yesterday at mass we were told that the fourth week of advent is the week of Joy. The Homily talked about being joyful about Christmas and how happy and special a time it is. I think the priest was correct but since I work with marginalized communities and am living away from my home and family it is hard to always be joyful at this time of year. 

Being on my own away from my family has made me much more aware of others that may be alone and how sad it is because everyone expects you to have all these grand plans and to be constantly surrounded by people. It is also really stressful living on a budget during Christmas. The culture is very heavily weighted towards spending money and buying presents and it can be stressful if you don't have money to spend. Another thing I have noticed that makes this season hard for people is for those suffering from addictions. Temptation is always around but during this time people are always offering you drinks at parties, bringing drinks or sweets as presents, and a lot of traditional Christmas drinks are alcoholic like eggnog and mulled wine. It can be hard for someone who constantly struggles each day to say no to that. 

So I congratulate all those with addictions who are staying strong, I give comfort and love to the lonely, and I pray for peace and a worry free mind for those struggling with money issues. Although the holidays can be hard they are also a time to rejoice and prepare for Jesus and the love of Jesus and to remember to love our neighbors, communities, strangers, and to give as much as we can in this holiday season. 

And finally, I also have been blessed to be able to attend/volunteer at Christmas parties and different Christmas events in the Gorbals community so here are some pictures of those.


Tea and carol singing with some of the elderly women at Gorbals


Pudsey the bear who is on TV in Scotland and the mascot for BBC Children in Need came to the Gorbals Children's Choir Christmas party! The man in the suit is my supervisor John. We had a good laugh struggling with the costume and not being knocked over by the children.

Pictures from Bridging The Gap's Christmas Party. The kids had a contest as to who could decorate the black paper and trees best. This is my teams great work. There is also a picture with one of the volunteers, John, in our awesome Christmas jumpers. And there is a picture of me sitting on Santa's lap, who is another volunteer, Mario, and all of Santa's helpers around him. And they are Kenny, Pamela, and Roz. 



  1. Hi Jules,
    Loved hearing all about Scotland's different Christmas traditions and some that are the same as here. I know how hard it must have been to be so far away but you made it the best possible and now your folks are on their way to wrap you up in a hug.
    Merry Christmas from all of us across the miles - keep up the wonderful work. xoxo, Donna
