Monday, November 2, 2015

A Birthday to Reflect

Today I am 23 years old. I have spent multiple birthdays away from home but for some reason this one feels extra different. Being 23 means I am getting older. It means I need to actually figure out what following my dreams means. 23 means I am an adult, out of school. 23 means I should be settling down, finding love, building a career. But I'm struggling because for the first time in my life there is no plan, there is no future and I have no idea what I want. I wish it was easy and I wish there was a big sign pointing me towards the future I want and am supposed to have, but it isn't that easy.

Since being in Scotland I have been able to step away from societies standards. I have been able to take a breather from the stamdards expected of a graduate from university. I have been able to truly think on my own about what I might want to do with my life and it is scary. I had all these ideas of what I wanted to be and what jobs I wanted to apply to when I graduated but now I am second guessing all those thoughts from before. For the first time I don't know what I want. I don't know who I am supposed to be or what I am supposed to do after this year. The unknown is scary and as humans society expects us to have it all figured out and put into a nice picture all the time. But that is unrealistic. So this birthday I wish for more clarity, for less pressure, and for guidance from God on what I am called to be doing in my future.


1 comment:

  1. It's good to challenge yourself and also accept the fact that you don't have to have it all figured out. Prayer is awesome, enjoying the time there with all your heart is priceless, and realizing that you can be many things in your life! This time is just the next step after college, so much world and time ahead...praying you will learn to be comfortable with that and enjoy the ride. Sending love & hugs! Donna
