I have been thinking for a while about how to write this blog post. It has been difficult because lately a lot of thoughts and feelings have been circulating my brain but I haven't been able to express them on paper in an eloquent manner, so here is an attempt.
Last week we went on our second retreat for the year. When you think of retreats you think of relaxing, spending time thinking about whatever you are on retreat for, possibly some prayer, and maybe learning about something new. Well all those things did happen and the thinking forced me to think about my year and how great it has been thus far, but also about the future and and how I only have 6 months left of my YAV year and what I am going to do these next 6 months.
I started thinking about the people I currently work with and how much I enjoy working with them. The Gorbals community has taught me so much about love, acceptance, kindness, the struggles of life and addiction, and poverty. I have learned that poverty looks different in every community you step into. I have learned that for a lot of people in this community, getting from day to day is a struggle due to depression, addiction, or a multitude of other reasons. Many people have shared their stories with me and I am so grateful to have met all of them because it has allowed me to take what they are going through, listen to them, and see how I can help them, even in the little ways. Sometimes it is just having a conversation with someone about their day and their likes and dislikes. Other times it is talking to someone about prayer and faith and encouraging them that they are worthy and loved.
I have enjoyed these conversations so much and hearing people's stories helps me to write my own. I am so grateful that I have been able to be here this year. I am so grateful for everyone that has been praying for me, that donated to me, and that continues to support me both from home and here in Scotland.
During this retreat Lydia, one of the YAV staff members from the office in Louisville, came and visited us and spent some time hearing about our placements and our time here. It was amazing to have her here to see what we have been doing, to help us talk about future plans, and to calm all our worries and answer all our questions. She has heard every story in the book, heard most complaints, and is very aware about looking at your community and seeing the deeper systematic issues. She allowed me to see my community differently than I have been seeing it these last 6 months and got me excited all over again about what I can do to help and to learn more about the systematic issues and how they affect everyone everyday.
So all in all even though this retreat caused a lot of scratching of heads, it was a much needed pause in the normal hectic schedule, to think, reflect, and get excited about my placement and the possibilities of the future!